Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Journal: Eight

Read the following quotes from LFA ...

Jacob (p. 213)

Welcome to the nineties, Josephine. Women don't have to be virgins anymore.

Josie (p. 213)

Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's (virginity) not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.

How does pressure effect Josie? What pressures do you experience in your own lives?


  1. Jacob (p. 213)

    Welcome to the nineties, Josephine. Women don't have to be virgins anymore.

    Josie (p. 213)

    Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's (virginity) not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.

    How does pressure effect Josie?
    Pressure makes Josie realize how important losing her virginity is to her and makes her feel like by doing it she will just be a sheep and follow what everybody else is doing. It also helps her realize that she is rushing into things with her boyfriend.
    What pressures do you experience in your own lives?
    In my life and the lives of other teens my age are under the influence of others doing drugs and alcohol and other illegal things. People in our lives go and ask if i want a smoke or to do something wrong but if you are strong and stand your ground you will be fine.

  2. Josie is affected emotionally and mentally because she second-guesses herself and she thinks of lossing 'it' just to get it out of the way. She gets frustrated and confused because she doesnt know how to handle the pressure

    Some pressures i have experienced are being pressured into smoking( i didnt do it btw) and some other things that i'd rather not mention

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  4. Pressure from Jacob affects Josie by pushing her into doing something that she doesn't want to do or isn't ready for yet. The pressure makes Josie feel that it is not that big of a deal with everyone her age doing it already, she feels very confused and frustrated. Josie wants to wait until their love for each other is much stronger and real.
    Some of the pressures I have experienced in my life are being pushed to try alcohol and smoking, but I didn't go along with it for the record.

  5. The pressures that affect Josie in regards of the quotes ‘Welcome to the nineties, Josephine. Women don't have to be virgins anymore.’ And Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's (virginity) not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.
    These pressures affect Josie because she realises that she just doesn’t want to give her virginity away to anyone like her mother did but to someone that she really cares for, and she doesn’t want to be pressured in to it.
    The pressures that I experience in my life are being pressured in to smoking and drinking alcohol. I have not tried any of these things because I act assertive at times like that.

  6. Pressure effects Josie by telling her that because everyone was do 'it' she should do it which is not what she should do. She should say no to having sex beacuse she should not just follow everyone else.

    I have experienced the pressure to shoplift and steal from EB Games by some friends and also skip school.

  7. Josie is effected by this pressure to 'do it' because everyone else is doing it. The pressure of doing it stresses her out because of the consequences that she would get if she did it; what would her family think of her? What would Jacob think? What about her friends?

    Pressures I experience are ......

  8. Josie is being pressured by her boyfriend to have sex but she doesn’t feel ready to lose her virginity yet. She wants to be sure Jacob is the person she wants to lose her virginity to. She is being pressured into doing something she doesn’t want to do; a lot of us have felt this at one time or another. It may have been pressure from friends, family, school or even from society. I am lucky to have good friends who never really pressure me into doing anything I don’t want to do, and in my family there is a certain amount of pressure on me to succeed. Many people feel pressure from the people around them who expect them to act in a certain way or be the person they imagine.
    There are times when we will receive pressure from the people around us in some way but like Josie we shouldn’t always give in but instead do what we want not the wants of others.

  9. Josie is effected by this pressure to 'do it' because everyone else is doing it. The pressure of doing it stresses her out because of the consequences that she would obtain if she did it; what would her family think? what would her friends think?

    The pressures that I experience in my life are being pressured in to smoking, drinking alcohol and shoplifting.

  10. Pressure affects Josie because she is being pushed in to doing something that she does not feel comfortable with. The main problem Josie is dealing with is that many people her age are doing it and make it seem like not such a big deal. This makes Josie confused and frustrated, mainly because she wants to wait until she is married. Some of the pressures I have faced in my own life are jigging school and smoking but I am smart enough to know not to do those things.

  11. The pressure that affects Josie is that because everyone is doing she has to do, she shouldn't do it as it can have a negative affect on her future life as her mother, She is pressured into it but doesn't have the answer which will cause affects on her, her family her social life and her cultural reputation.

    Pressure I have experience is not working independently; doing what someone is doing incase I am doing wrong. But then I realise that i have to work with all my power and all my mind so that I can learn from my own experiences and learn from my mistakes. I do not get pressured into this process and work independently from my own mind because I know im right but just don't realise it for myself so take the easy way out by thinking someone else is right. Overall I do not do this as I TRUST deeply in myself.

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  14. Josie is effected by peer pressure because Jacob wants her to do something that she is not yet ready or want to do. She says that she will lose her virginity when she is ready and not just lose it for the sake that everyone else around her is. She does not want to follow in their example but be a leader and think what she wants and is best for herself. Jacob doesn’t really understand and tries to convince her but Josie knows that she or any women cannot be pushed to lose their virginity if they don’t want to.
    In life we experience peer pressure with our friends. They can sometimes make us do things that we didn’t want to do or though that we will never do but got caught up in the moment. In these times we should do the sensitive thing and think about what we really want to do and not listen to our friends as much. If your friends don’t understand this they are not really good friends.

  15. Pressure causes Josie to do things that she doesn’t like what had happen to Josie. She is being pressured by Jacob to have sex; to lose her virginity for him, but she doesn’t want to because she isn’t sure whether Jacob is the right person for her. She doesn’t want to do this just because everyone else is doing it. Jacob doesn’t seem to understand that this is something that is very serious.
    I know that nearly all of us have once been pressured into doing something, but I think I’ve never experienced any pressures in my life.


  16. How does pressure effect Josie? What pressures do you experience in your own lives?
    Pressure from Jacob makes Josie feel uncomfortable, she feels pressured because she doesn’t want to do the same thing her mother did, she doesn’t want to be a sheep and follow what everyone else does, she is also frustrated because she doesn’t know whether she wants to lose her virginity to Jacob and therefore feels like she is being pressured into something she doesn’t want to do. I have been pressured into things such as smoking and jigging school, but not something as ‘big’ as what Josie is facing, and it’s a good thing she does not give in, she shouldn’t have to worry about what Jacob will think of her if she says “no”, she should just do what she thinks is right and move on with her life.

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  18. How does pressure effect Josie?
    Josie was being pressure beacause everyone and her boyfriend tell her to do stuff that she doesnt feel comfortable about it. Josie just doesnt want to be a follower and follow everyone else

    The Pressure i had exprience was back in the old day,my friend forced me to smoke,jig school,have fights and other stuff that i cannot name , but i try fight it even if it cost me a friend.

  19. How does pressure effect Josie?
    Pressure effects Josie immensely due to the fact that she is the Vice Captain which has to set an example to others this proving difficult due to her persuasive group of friends who somewhat manipulate her to do idiotic things. Her boyfriend also tries to persuade her to have sex, Josie feels she's not ready and leaves. After the lecture with Sister Louise Josie understands that she must not be a follower but be a leader, a leader with a values.

    What pressures do you experience in your own lives?
    Me personally, i can't say i have been pressured into anything serious just the small things like do this and do that, all in good fun but.

  20. How does pressure affect Josie?

    In Josie’s life she is being pressured into having sex, influenced into thinking that it is a casual thing, something that people do every day and that she should too. In an argument between Josie and Jacob, Jacob states ‘Welcome to the nineties, Josephine. People don’t have to be virgins anymore.’ In response, Josie says ‘Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.’ This exemplifies Josie being the strong minded, confident individual that she is.

    What pressure do you experience in your own life?

    Pressures that I have in my life include that of being offered smokes which I decline simply by saying “Nuh lad, all good cuz, don’t smoke aye sole bro.” And so, I have defeated your mate and his peer pressure powers. You just got to say to them, ‘You think your cool and Mr. big, cool and Mr. Big’, and leave it at that.

    T-shirt time!!

  21. Welcome to the nineties, Josephine. Women don't have to be virgins anymore.

    Josie (p. 213)

    Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's (virginity) not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.

    How does pressure effect Josie? What pressures do you experience in your own lives?

    The pressure effects Josie greatly, as a result an argument starts between Josie and Jacob.

    In the text, Josie gets pressured into having sex with Jacob. Josie who realised that they were going too far stopped.

    While Josie and Jacob were argueing, Josie said

    'Women don't have to be pushed into things anymore ... it's (virginity) not a prize and I'm not a prize. But it's mine. It belongs to me and I can only give it away once and I want to be sure when it happens Jacob ... or one day someone else is doing it. I don't want to do it, Jacob, because everyone else is doing it.'

    Even though Josie is angry, this shows that Josie knows what's right from wrong and right now, I believe she is making the right choice.

    What pressure do you experience in your own life?

    The pressure I experience in my life is keeping my parent's expectations. Even though I have some tough times, I seem to surpass any difficulty in my life.
